What Happened?

February 10, 2009

Recently I have had several conversations with people who have been working with the idea of how to stay in the moment and still make plans.  The sticking point seems to be how to set an objective and still stay in the moment.  The secret is to not be attached to the outcome.  We look at this more closely today.


Make you plans

I have had conversations with a few people who think it is being out of the moment to make a plan.  I assure them that they can be in the moment and decide that they need to bring something new or different into their lives.  It is just fine to be in the moment and make a plan to create a change.


The subtle point is that when we become attached to either the outcome of the plan or the method that we choose to reach the outcome – we are no longer in the moment.  When we are in the moment we make a plan and then are open to experience whatever happens as we execute that plan.  That is staying in the moment.


Three things happen

As we execute our plan we watch as three things happen.  These three are:


  • What we want to happen
  • What should happen
  • What actually happens


Let’s take a closer look at these.


What we want to happen

This is the objective of our plan.  When we were in the moment this is what we saw as the change we wanted to bring into our life.


What should happen

When we have attachments to either the outcome or the method to achieve it we have a “should”.  Our attachments tell us that if we do this then we “should” achieve that.  This becomes our experience when we are not in the moment as we pursue our objective.  It may seem difficult, but we can train ourselves to be in the moment as we pursue our goals.


What actually happens

As long as we are in the moment we accept what actually happens as we strive for our goals.  Most of the time what actually happens is what we want to happen or what should happen.  When we are in the moment we accept what actually happens because that is how we learn to adjust our method so that we can achieve our goals.


When we are not in the moment we get upset that what actually happened is not what we wanted to or thought should happen.  This is because we were attached to either the outcome or our method to achieve the outcome.  As long as we fight what actually happens we will not learn how to adjust our plan to achieve our objective.


Stay in the moment

As we constantly stress, the key point is to stay in the moment.  We make our plans while we are in the moment.  We stay in the moment as we execute our plan.  We stay in the moment as we assess what actually happened.  Then we stay in the moment as we adjust our plan and continue to pursue our objective.


I have yet to find either a faster or a more peaceful way to achieve my objectives.


Until tomorrow –


Es kava turen hai

We work towards an identical goal.




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